Monday, May 18, 2009

It's Getting Closer...

Wow, 24 days til Africa!! i'm SO excited! it's so wonderful to see how everyone's trips are getting paid for!
We did a garage sale, and i'm pretty sure we made quite a bit of money! (i didn't actually hear the final count...)
And concessions went well this week! (by well, i mean the games weren't rained out. haha)
I brought these necklaces and bracelets made by orphans in africa. All the beads are hand rolled from recycled paper...they are so pretty! and all the money we make from it goes to the Orphans in Africa!!
i'm really excited about this trip, the people i'm going with are SO amazing...and so much fun! we have such a good time! :)

I think that's all... :)
soo, the end.

James 1:27 :)


  1. I'm REALLY excited for you dahling!!..Really exctied indeed!!
    I'm pretty sure that the only thing i'm not looking forward to is the plane food!!!!!
    It was very.... uh,.... less than normal:P
    But i'll take the plane food anyday as long as i'll get africa out of the deal!!! :P HaHaHa!

  2. wow your leaving to soon! I'm going to miss you so bad sis :'(


    p.s. We really need to have a KATELYN AND MELISSA DAY! and just me and you hang out all day, NO ONE else! We would have a BLAST!

  3. Aww. Katelyn, you and Melissa are too cute.
